Thursday, 27 September 2012

Camera Angles

Low Angle- A shot in which the subject is photographed/filmed from below. This shot is from the Inbetweeners Movie, which shows the boys first look at their 'hotel'. The shot is filmed from a Low Angle. The effect of this is to make the hotel seem intimidating and a threat to the hotel. Whilst the angle also makes the boys appear weak and small in comparison to the building. This is another Low Angle shot, this time from the film American Beauty. In both the main office and Brad's, when Brad is being flimed it is always from a Low Angle. This is to show that when looking at him, you have to look up towards him, hinting at the man's power. It also shows that when looking towards him you are inferior and he is powerful. High Angle- A shot in which the sunject is photographed/filmed from below. This is a high angle shot from Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone. The affect of this is to show all of the new students walking into the hall, enabling the viewer to understand the enorminity of the event. It also gives a good perspective of the events magnitude and the size of the hall. This is a second high angle shot this time from American Beauty. The angle is used to emphasise how inferior Lester is in comparison to Brad. The angle makes him look small and isolated from other people, which represents his social life. As well as resembling the relationship he has with his family. Extreme High Angle This extreme high angle shot is from Harry potter and the Philosopher's Stone. The affect of this shot is to show the audience the great height they are travelling down from and the speed and which this is happening. It is also juxtaposed with a low angle shot to enhance the affect of this. This second extreme high angle shot is from Slumdog Millionaire. In this case it is used to show the danger that is posed to the characters by being at such a great height. It also shows the enormity of the structure that they are on. Crane Shot- A shot taken by a camera on a crane, resembling a large mechanical arm. Here the crane shot is used here as it enables the film to be shot from a great height, as well as then being zoomed in easily. This enables the scene to be shot from different heights giving the film a more realistic feel. In addition a crane shot is used in Slumdog Millionaire. It is used to show the boys on the top of the train, whilst it is moving. The effect of using this shot here is that the camera can move in any direction, as it does here follpwing the train. This makes the film seem more realistic, as you feel as if you are moving along with the train. Aerial Shots- These are shots taken from planes or helicopters. This aerial shot is from the opening to American Beauty. Here this type of shot is used to help us establish location. Using this shot a large area can be captured (as is here) meaning the audience can get a good idea of the scenery. The shot can then also be zoomed in to focus on a specific area, or in this case a specific street. This following aerial shot is from Casino Royale. Once again this type of shot is used to help establish the scenes location, giving the audience a clear overview. But here it is also used to film another plane, in which james bond is aboard. The affect of this is to make the viewer feel that they are also, upon a plane. This makes the film feel more realistic. Canted angle- A camera tilted to one side so the horizon is on a slant is canted. Also called a 'Dutch angle' or a 'Dutch tilt'. This clip from the Inbetweeners Movie is filmd at a slight canted angle. This is to show the awkward nature of the dancing and the situation. It is also filmed like this as a metaphor to how they boys (and their dancing) don't quite fit into society. This canted angle shot is from the first Harry Potter film. It is used to show the speed and verocity of the match. By changing angles quickly it makes the audience feel more incolved within the scene. Also the canted angle shows how the game is helping to disorientate Harry. Level of Framing- It is not only the angle which the camera shoots that is important, but also the height it is filmed from. This is a scene from cool runnings where the Bobsleigh team are flimed from different heights. Firstly they are filmed from ground level at their feet. This shows a different persepctive and makes it seem more realistic. Secondly they are also filmed from an on board angle. This makes the viewer feel part of the race, therefore more attached to the film. Finally this is a tiny clip from Fast and Furious using a Low Level of Framing. The affect of filming from ground level is to focus on the cars wheel, making it seem more important, than the rest of the car. It emphasises its power and importance.

Wednesday, 26 September 2012

Film Shots

This clip shows a Close Up (CU) of Daniel Craig within the trailer for the new James Bond film, called Skyfall. The effect of this shot is to focus on the steely determination in Craig's eyes. Whilst also focusing on his tensed face, which shows he is angry and possibly looking for revenge. This is a second CU of Ed Helms playing Stu Price in the Hangover. The camera focuses upon his face to enhnace his feelings of great anger within the back of the police car. Also the fencing within the car which partly covers his face shows he is trapped. It is also implying his is metorphorically trapped in his relationship with his gilfriend. This shot is of the Bane in Batman- The Dark Knight Rises. It is a Medium Close Up incorparting his head and shoulders. This is done so the unusual mask upon his face is shown, making the audience question why he has it, and how he came to have it. Secondly the use of showing his shoulders is to show strength in his arms. Showing the power he posesses. Finally, we see part of his unusual outfit, again making us wonder why he is wearing this. This is a clip from the Big Fat Liar trailer. Again this is a Medium Close Up, this is done to show that his body as well as his face is completely blue. Leaving the audience to question why he is blue and how he got blue. This shot of Daniel Craig is a Mid Shot (MS). This is used as it shows more of what he is wearing. This shows us that he is well dressed and cares about his self presentation. We also see more of the background, so we can infer that he is possibly underground. Hinting that what he is doing is not for the public to see. This is another Mid Shot this time from the Inbetweeners Movie. It features the characters of Jay and Jane standing at the bar, a medium shot is used as it incorparates more of the surrounding features of the club. Also because they are at a bar, a Mid-Shot suits best, allowing both them and the bar to be shown. This shot of the boys from the Inbetweeners is a Medium Long Shot (MLS). This shot has been used primarily to picture all four boys together, as well as to show more of what they are wearing, than if it was just a Mid-Shot. In addition it allows part of the background to be included, helping the audience to understand more accurately where they are. Furthermore in the same clip there is a Medium Long Shot of just will and Simon. Firstly this is done to just focus on these two actors. However more importantly the shot it taken from over Neil's shoulder, this helps the audience to really see the lack of space within the appartment, because of how it's shot. Again this is another Long Shot from the Inbetweeners Movie. Which features Neil, Simon and Will prodominently. With Jay sat on a bar stall in the background. You can see the boys from Head to toe, which is used to show the audience their full outfits. It also means the bar scene can be seen in depth, so viewers can fully take in the scene to understand the situation the characters are in. This next scene is from the James Bond film, Casino Royale. It contains a variety of both Long shots and Medium Long Shots. Firstly the long shots are used to show the full scale of the fight/chase which is taking place. Showing the great height they are at to the audience, as well as showing all of their bodies fighting. Whilst the Medium Long Shots, enable the focus to be more upon the actors and the action, but still enables the scenery to be incorparated within the shot. Providing the audience with the best of both scenarios. This shot is an Extra Long Shot (ELS). The shot is of a rocky and isolated area. This type of shot is used as at this point the real focus is not on the action, but upon where it is taking place. The shot enables the full scenery to be incorparated, to help the audience establish the films location. This is the first scene from Harry Potter where the main hall at Hogwarts is shot. The 41 seconds of footage I have selected focus on no character inparticular. The effect of this is to introduce the viewer to a whole new scenery. Whilst introducing the audicence to a whole new world that they will not of ever seen before. It also gives a good gage of the scenes size and structure which is entirely new to the audience.

Monday, 17 September 2012

5 X 5

Top 5 Television Programmes.

  1. Match of the Day- Simply I love football, nothing more, nothing less. A perfect synopsis of the weekends football.
  2. How I Met Your Mother- An American comedy similar in a sense to Friends. I believe it's dynamic and exciting, whilst I find it really humourous.
  3. Gavin and Stacey- GAVALA, is amusing enough. An essential Box-set in every household.
  4. The Inbetweeners- Hilarious, fun filled, half hour television gold. Like nothing else.
  5. Hollyoaks- I wasn't a huge soap fan, but the last couple of years I've been hooked on it. I prefer it to other soaps because it contains mainly young characters 
Top 5 Beatles Songs

  1. Penny Lane- Something that is so clever, because everything in the song is/was real.
  2. Lovely Rita- A less known song, but something that is always worth a listen.
  3. Polythene Pam- The lyrics are quite random, yet just fit so well.
  4. Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds- Something that makes no sense, but something that makes musical sense. If that makes sense..?
  5. Hey Jude- A true classic, you know it because you love it.
Top 5 BBC Sporting Television Presenters

  1. Claire Balding- Someone that doesn't fit the normal TV mould, but presents with panash. As well as presenting the Olympics/Paralympics outstandingly.
  2. Gary Linekar- Showed true quality during the Olympics to turn his hand at sports left, right and centre. 
  3. Dan Walker- A recent rookie on the block. Superb, slick and a querky tweeter.
  4. Gabby Logan- Swish, getting sport spot on.
  5. Jake Humphrey- A dab hand now at presenting the Formula 1, they've found the Formula with Jake..
Top 5 Songs (Excluding The Beatles)

  1. Techno Fan, The Wombats- Just love it!
  2. Wires, Athlete- Pretty soothing.
  3. Buck Rodgers, Feeder- You Know it when you hear it.
  4. Beautiful Day, U2- Just a classic.
  5. Don't look back in anger, Oasis- A song you can't turn off and have to turn up.
Top 5 James Bond Films

  1. Live and Let die- The first one I saw on TV, you never forget it.
  2. Die another Day- A real cracker, the chases, the girls, the lot!
  3. The world is not enough- Something that you just have to watch.
  4. Man With The Golden Gun- Clever, imtuitive spy thriller.
  5. Casino Royale- The first one I saw at the cinema, something you just don't forget.

Wednesday, 12 September 2012

Representation in Calvin Klein adverts.

Freddie Ljungberg

This is a Calvin Klein advert wherby Freddie Ljungberg poses in his underwear. Firstly he is breaking the fourth wall by looking at whoever is viewing the image. His gaze is also steely showing agression and strength, he also has a suggestive gaze showing that he is trying to get the spectator to follow his ideas. It is also quite a seductive gaze aimed to entice women and gay men. 

The product itself is aimed at men, which is done by his hand being placed right by the 'Calvin Klein' logo. But his hand being there pulling the underwear down is very suggestive to women and gay men who would be attracted to this image. In addition by drawing attention to the product with his hand he is suggesting to men that if they wear Calvin Klein's they will appear like him and attractive to women.

Furthermore it is trying to make women feel that if they bought this product for a male, that this male would is someway resemble Ljungberg. Which they would find attractive as they are unlikely to get Ljungberg, but are likely to get another male in Calvin Klein's.

Meanwhile his right arm is holding onto a metal bar, which shows his strong muscular arm and toned body. It could also give the impression he has been working out, perhaps doing pull ups on the bar. As well the light is focused on his muscular body, more than his face, enhancing his body, attracting women and gay men to the image.

Finally, his body is tanned and oily, as well his body is shaved, all these are used to attract women and gay men. Also his body is covered in sweat possibly suggesting he has just had sex, or wants to have sex.
Then  he is wearing a neckless just showing a caring side and that he is heartful and sweet.

Eva Mendes
Firstly in the Eva Mendes Calvin Klein advertisment she is not breaking the fourth wall, by not looking directly towards the camera. He gaze is partially unclear, in the image on the left hand side her eyes are shut mainly. Showing an expression of passion and enjoyment through her eyes, which is also shown in her eyes on the right hand image. Also in the right image her eyes seem to show a sign of relief as if she has just experienced something overwhelming. Her gaze is to attract women, you could say it is sexy and although not looking at the camera she is trying to entice men.
The underwear that she is wearing is for women to wear. The advert shows Eva looking very attractive to make women believe that if they wear the underwear they will look and fell likewise. As well the it is unclear from the underwear that it is manafactured by Calvin Klein, therefore the 'Calvin Klein' logo appears upon the right of the advert.
Furthemore the advert may make men feel that if they purhcased the products featured for their wife/girlfriend that they would look similarly to Eva Mendes.  Men would be attracted to this proposition as they would like to see their lady look similar to this, in most cases.
In summary the product is designed for women, but with the hope it will be purchased by both men and women. Also Eva Mendes will atract men and gay women to the advert.
In addition the way she is posing in both of the images is significant. In the image on the left she has her left leg pushed to the side, in a sexual fashion. Meaning that the audience is focused on her legs. Furthermore her arm is on her hip meaning focus is also on her upper body. This is similar with the image on the right, she has her hands placed on her hips so the focus of the audience is drawn here.  To conclude this, in both images her body is sprawled so it is all visible. Meaning that her whole body can be seen by the audience.
Meanwhile the advert is all in black and white. This shows a rawness about the product and the advert. Implying that their is no catch, no hidden traps and what you see is what you get. Black and white also gives a a 'classy' effect and a slightly vintage feel. Whilst with the black and white images, behind Eva there is a silhouette it is possibly of her. But could be portrayed to be another person, whom she is interacting with.
Finally like Freddie her body is oily/sweaty showing that she has possibly just had sex. Her hair though is messy and sweaty also showing that she has possibly just has sex. It is a bit more ragged and fierce that the other advert showing a roughness and rawness.



Representation-A Simple(ish) Explanation

Representation-A Simple(ish) Explanation

Task 1.

Construction- I believe that this word accounts well for the meaning of representation, because a representation is when broken down a re-construction of something seen in the real world opposed to something which is unreal or hasn’t been witnessed before. As these would be new and not a representation, as they have nothing to be previously represented from.

Reality- I feel that this explains representation well because what is being represented is reality. Unfortunately that is not always the case and reality is not reproduced. However when represented well reality can be portrayed clearly and realistically. Making the audience to that particular medium associate with the representation and feel emotion towards the representation, because of the realism it portrays.

Identities- Also I think that this word is a good explanation. A representation is trying to help the audience identity with the situation which is represented in the certain medium. For example a representation may be in a TV Drama, so it will be trying to achieve a situation where the audience can identify with the characters represented and/or the lifestyles/events that they encounter. To make the audience feel more involved and attached to the programme.

Speech- I think that this explains the concept well because speech is key to representations in television. How a character speaks instantly shows their regional identity, accent, social status and possibly even their age. Helping for the audience to understand who this character is and how they are trying to be represented.

Writing- In writing things can be represented by the writer and if done successfully can really engage the audience/reader.  They can identify with the writing and what is represented within it, to feel attached with the reality that the piece of writing is attempting to portray.

Moving pictures- This could include both Television and Film which are used to create a representation, 2 of the most important mediums. I feel they are a good representation because through the use of the mediums characters and scenarios can be created, which show a representation of the lives we live. Helping for the audience to enjoy the because of its realism and how they can relate to them. Making them feel part of the media produced.

Task 2:

Who is he? – This is Ryan Rayner, known to others as ‘Yellow Chimmney’. Because of his constant smoking causing his teeth to yellow.  He lives just on the edge of Times Square in New York but not in a house or a flat but on the street upon the steps of a  bank.

I chose his name as I felt it seemed quite stereotypical of the USA. Secondly I gave him his nickname because in the picture I can see him smoking, which I know gives people stained yellow teeth. Also the scene in the background looked busy and features large buildings both vital characteristics that are associated with Times Square. Finally I decided he would be a tramp because of his tatty clothing and messy/overgrown beard.

What does he do? – Ryan is a tramp who begs for anything he can particularly money in order to survive. By holding out an open cup from McDonalds asking passers-by for a donation. He makes little money begging but it’s the best he can do.

I chose that he would beg for money as it is something seen regularly on the streets of New York. In addition I decided he would be using a McDonald’s cup as this is something he could have found on the street or left over from a meal he had eaten because McDonalds is cheap. It may be the only thing he can afford.

What’s his story? – Ryan was born on the 17th of May 1960, so is now aged 52. He was born in Queens with his Mum Sally and Dad Brett, who left when Ryan was aged just 3. Ryan studied well at school before leaving school and home (aged 17) after many disputes with his mum’s boyfriend of 5 years Clarke. Although he hoped to find work this never really materialised. He had some jobs in fast food restaurants and cafes as well as helping some people doing construction work. However at the age of 30 when he was evicted from his apartment after 5 months of late rent payments. He started begging and has done ever since. He has also been involved in some crime, receiving several police cautions. Whilst being involved in drug crime on the streets.

I chose to age him at 52 because although he looks quite old I feel this would have been as a result of the tough life he has experienced on the streets. I decided to give him family issues for a reason why he left home, as for someone in a stable home to leave home, would be unusual. Also I gave him some jobs, as being young and reasonably clever he would be employable. However I stopped this run as he got over and he didn’t progress, leading to his life on the streets. Finally I decided he would get into crime and drugs because of the boredom he may experience. As well as drugs possibly offering him a source of comfort.
Who is he? - This is Andy Rodriguez aged 46. He is an accountant and works for a major financial firm.

I gave him his age because of his middle aged appearance and his job because of the paperwork within his hands and in front of him.

What does he do? – He works for a financial firm in Chicago called ‘MoneyMagic’. In their accounts department.

I have explained why I think he has this job previously.

What’s his story? – He is Andy Rodriguez a man now aged 46, born in 1966, on the 5th of February. To an American father Michael and his mother a Mexican women Monica. He attended school until the age of 18 and excelled superbly in his studies, before going to Boston University. Where he studied Accounting. He got a first class degree and now works for a major financial firm in Chicago. He has a wife Lily and two young girls, Missy (6) and Amy (3). However he is having an affair with an office secretary called Mary Francis.

I gave him Mexican origins because of his dark hair and Latin appearance. I gave him a well paid job and high intelligence because of his smart clothing and the paperwork within his hands. I decided he is having an affair because of the shifty and concerned look upon his face.

Who is she? – She is Amanda Jones aged 38, a model coming to the end of her shelf life after starting her career at the age of 16.

I chose her age because of what I suspected she was doing, feeling she could not be any older. Also because of the clothing she is wearing, which is very quirky and something that would feature in a fashion magazine, but not in someone’s wardrobe.

What does she do? – She works for the fashion magazine Vogue and has done for the past 20 years and is their most popular model with their readers.
I have already explained why she works for a fashion magazine, but added the bit about her being the most popular model, just to add some extra information and intrigue.

What’s her story? – She was born in 1974, now aged 38. Her two parents are called Daniel Jones and Sarah Jones and she had two brothers Jon and Peter. She studied at school until 16. Doing extremely well in both art and textiles, before at 16 being scouted for modelling by a clothing store. Then aged 18 she was spotted by Vogue and has worked for them ever since, winning model of the year on 12 separate occasions, as well as winning many other awards and accolades. Amanda is currently single after breaking up with her long term boyfriend, of 7 years, Mark Williams last year.

I chose for her to have a stable family background, so she had strong support throughout her modelling career which could have been quite challenging otherwise. Furthermore I decided she would do well in Art and Textiles as these subjects would coincide well with her successful career in modelling. Finally I thought she should not be married as she has been far to dedicated to her career. Which is also why her and Mark split because she put her career first.

Monday, 10 September 2012

The American and British Film Industries.

The American Film Industry

The American Film Industry is dominated by the so called big 6 film companies. These are..

    • Warner Brothers
    • Paramount
    • 20th Century Fox
    • Columbia Pictures
    • Universal Pictures
    • Walt Disney Pictures   
Warner Brothers is owned by Time Warner (2nd largest media conglomerate). Who also own HBO and Warner Music. They have made films such as, Sex and the City 2, Inception, Harry Potter, Rock of Ages and the Dark Knight Rises.

Paramount is owned by Viacom (a conglomerate). They own, MTV, Dreamworks, Nickelodeon. Paramount has produced films including Shutter Island, Paranormal Activity, Shrek, Mission Impossible.

20th Century Fox is owned by News Corp (3rd largest media conglomerate). Who also own Harper Collins, SKY, Fox, The Sun and The Wall Street Journal. They have made films such as The A Team, Avatar and The Rise of the Planet of the apes.

Walt Disney Pictures are owned by the Walt Disney Company, (worlds largest media conglomerate). Its subsidiaries include Disney Channel, Pixar and Disney Leisure. They have made films such as Pirates of the Carribean, Chronicles of Narnia, Toy Story and The Avengers.

Columbia Pictures is owned by Sony Corporation, (5th largest media conglomerate). Its many subsidiaries include Sony Computer, Sony Music, Sony Publishing, Sony Communication. Their films include Men in Black, The Social Network, The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo and Bad Teacher.

Universal Pictures is owned by GE (General Electrics) which is the second largest company in the world. Who also own NBC and RCA Records. They are also owned by Comeast (largest tele communications company in the US- E!). Their Films produced include, The Bourne Legacy, Ted and Cowboys and Aliens.

Who to pitch to?

1. Seriou Sci-Fi Film- 20th Century Fox

2. Childrens film about talking pets- Walt Disney

3. Comedy about men who get lost on a road trip- Paramount/Colmubia Pictures

Ownership of the American Film Industry

Concentration of Media Ownership- Just a few companies control the market.
  • International Revenue = $30 Billion.
  • Domestic Revenue = $10 Billion.
  • Means control of the Global Market.
Oligopoly- Where the market is dominated by a few companies.

Convergence- The bringing together of different arms of a conglomerate.

Synergy- Promotion and sale of a product (and all its versions) throughout the various subsidiaries of a media conglomerate, E.G. Films, soundtracks, or video games.

Vertical Intergration

When a company owns more than one step in the supply process. For example...

  • News Corporation
  • Taken 2- Due October 2012
  • Co-produced by 20th Century Fox and Europa Corp
  • Distributed by 20th Century Fox
  • Marketed using advertising in The Sun
  • Trailers on ITV
  • Exhibition after cinema release on SKY Movies
Horizontal Intergration

When a company owns several companies at the same stage in the supply process. For example...

  • Hotel Transylvania
  • Trailers alongside other sony pictures
  • Video game- Hotel Transylvania
  • Mobile game- Transylvania Dash
This allows targeting at a specific audience or a range of audiences; wider marketing campaign.

The British Film Industry
  • The market is dominated by American Products
  • 75% of Box Office takings are from American produced films
  • 18/20 Top Box Office films in the UK, are produced by the 'Big 6'
Ownership and the UK Film Industry

Big Talk Pictures- Its films include, Pual (co-prodcution), Shaun of the Dead, Hot Fuzz, Scott Pilgrim Vs the World.

Working Title Films- Four Weddings and a Funeral, Tinker Tailor Soilder Spy, The Boat that Rocked, About a Boy, Love Actually, Billy Elliott and Notting Hill.

Film Four- (Subsidiary of Channel 4). They have made films such as, East is East, Fever Pitch, How to Lose Friends and Alienate Yourself, This is England and Trainspotting.

BBC Films- (Owned by the BBC). BBC Films have produced, Nativity, An Education, The Dammned United, The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas and Miss Potter.

Ecosse Films- (Scotish Company). Films they have been responsible for include Mrs Brown, Charlotte Grey, Nowhere Boy, The Decoy Bride and Monarch of the Glen (a TV programme).

Government Funded- The UK Film Council (Lottery Funded). Their films include, The Kings Speech, The Woman in Black, The Iron Lady, We need to talk about Kevin and Kidulthood.

My Representation.

I like to dress in a reasonably casual style when I’m at College and with my friends. I tend to wear stripy t-shirts, or ones with two colours. I might wear a cardigan or jumper which might have elbow patches. I suppose this is because I like the vintage style, which is represented in some television shows from the past.  In addition I prefer wearing shirts with all the buttons done up, as I like the smart impression it gives, without feeling too showy.
I like two wear jackets which have a dark or quite plain colour, so they don’t clash with coloured trousers and my shoes.
I tend to wear skinny-jeans and chinos which have a plain style, with a skinny fit. Instead of baggy styles which I don’t like the look of as much. I also don’t feel they are as confortable. However I do tend to wear coloured trousers, to accompany plainer t shirts, or viva versa.

Furthermore I like to wear Vans trainers, not the really 'skater' style ones they design but the ones that have more of a converse resemblence.

To continue, I like to have my hair cut in a reasonably short style, as well as having a clean shaved face. I guess this comes from my Dad always being clean shaved, so naturally/subconciously it's something I have copied. I like to portray a 'clean cut' look.

Finally when I am watching Leicester City play I will wear my Leicester shirt. I guess this is to copy that of the players, as well as feeling a sense of togtherness among the other fans.

Wednesday, 5 September 2012

Video Bar

Just added a new Video Bar, with a Wombats theme.

About me.


Just startting my Blog for my Media Studies. Also studying English Language, History and Geography.

Football fills most of my time (Leicester City fan) and listening to music. I'm into The Wombats. The Killers, Oasis, even The Beatles. All that kind of Music.

Just a quick video from How I Met Your Mother, my favourite programme on the box, enjoy! & a decent tune from Keane..