Freddie Ljungberg
This is a Calvin Klein advert wherby Freddie Ljungberg poses in his underwear. Firstly he is breaking the fourth wall by looking at whoever is viewing the image. His gaze is also steely showing agression and strength, he also has a suggestive gaze showing that he is trying to get the spectator to follow his ideas. It is also quite a seductive gaze aimed to entice women and gay men.
The product itself is aimed at men, which is done by his hand being placed right by the 'Calvin Klein' logo. But his hand being there pulling the underwear down is very suggestive to women and gay men who would be attracted to this image. In addition by drawing attention to the product with his hand he is suggesting to men that if they wear Calvin Klein's they will appear like him and attractive to women.
Furthermore it is trying to make women feel that if they bought this product for a male, that this male would is someway resemble Ljungberg. Which they would find attractive as they are unlikely to get Ljungberg, but are likely to get another male in Calvin Klein's.
Meanwhile his right arm is holding onto a metal bar, which shows his strong muscular arm and toned body. It could also give the impression he has been working out, perhaps doing pull ups on the bar. As well the light is focused on his muscular body, more than his face, enhancing his body, attracting women and gay men to the image.
Finally, his body is tanned and oily, as well his body is shaved, all these are used to attract women and gay men. Also his body is covered in sweat possibly suggesting he has just had sex, or wants to have sex.
Then he is wearing a neckless just showing a caring side and that he is heartful and sweet.

Then he is wearing a neckless just showing a caring side and that he is heartful and sweet.

Eva Mendes
Firstly in the Eva Mendes Calvin Klein advertisment she is not breaking the fourth wall, by not looking directly towards the camera. He gaze is partially unclear, in the image on the left hand side her eyes are shut mainly. Showing an expression of passion and enjoyment through her eyes, which is also shown in her eyes on the right hand image. Also in the right image her eyes seem to show a sign of relief as if she has just experienced something overwhelming. Her gaze is to attract women, you could say it is sexy and although not looking at the camera she is trying to entice men.
The underwear that she is wearing is for women to wear. The advert shows Eva looking very attractive to make women believe that if they wear the underwear they will look and fell likewise. As well the it is unclear from the underwear that it is manafactured by Calvin Klein, therefore the 'Calvin Klein' logo appears upon the right of the advert.
Furthemore the advert may make men feel that if they purhcased the products featured for their wife/girlfriend that they would look similarly to Eva Mendes. Men would be attracted to this proposition as they would like to see their lady look similar to this, in most cases.
In summary the product is designed for women, but with the hope it will be purchased by both men and women. Also Eva Mendes will atract men and gay women to the advert.
In addition the way she is posing in both of the images is significant. In the image on the left she has her left leg pushed to the side, in a sexual fashion. Meaning that the audience is focused on her legs. Furthermore her arm is on her hip meaning focus is also on her upper body. This is similar with the image on the right, she has her hands placed on her hips so the focus of the audience is drawn here. To conclude this, in both images her body is sprawled so it is all visible. Meaning that her whole body can be seen by the audience.
Meanwhile the advert is all in black and white. This shows a rawness about the product and the advert. Implying that their is no catch, no hidden traps and what you see is what you get. Black and white also gives a a 'classy' effect and a slightly vintage feel. Whilst with the black and white images, behind Eva there is a silhouette it is possibly of her. But could be portrayed to be another person, whom she is interacting with.
Finally like Freddie her body is oily/sweaty showing that she has possibly just had sex. Her hair though is messy and sweaty also showing that she has possibly just has sex. It is a bit more ragged and fierce that the other advert showing a roughness and rawness.

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