Wednesday, 26 September 2012

Film Shots

This clip shows a Close Up (CU) of Daniel Craig within the trailer for the new James Bond film, called Skyfall. The effect of this shot is to focus on the steely determination in Craig's eyes. Whilst also focusing on his tensed face, which shows he is angry and possibly looking for revenge. This is a second CU of Ed Helms playing Stu Price in the Hangover. The camera focuses upon his face to enhnace his feelings of great anger within the back of the police car. Also the fencing within the car which partly covers his face shows he is trapped. It is also implying his is metorphorically trapped in his relationship with his gilfriend. This shot is of the Bane in Batman- The Dark Knight Rises. It is a Medium Close Up incorparting his head and shoulders. This is done so the unusual mask upon his face is shown, making the audience question why he has it, and how he came to have it. Secondly the use of showing his shoulders is to show strength in his arms. Showing the power he posesses. Finally, we see part of his unusual outfit, again making us wonder why he is wearing this. This is a clip from the Big Fat Liar trailer. Again this is a Medium Close Up, this is done to show that his body as well as his face is completely blue. Leaving the audience to question why he is blue and how he got blue. This shot of Daniel Craig is a Mid Shot (MS). This is used as it shows more of what he is wearing. This shows us that he is well dressed and cares about his self presentation. We also see more of the background, so we can infer that he is possibly underground. Hinting that what he is doing is not for the public to see. This is another Mid Shot this time from the Inbetweeners Movie. It features the characters of Jay and Jane standing at the bar, a medium shot is used as it incorparates more of the surrounding features of the club. Also because they are at a bar, a Mid-Shot suits best, allowing both them and the bar to be shown. This shot of the boys from the Inbetweeners is a Medium Long Shot (MLS). This shot has been used primarily to picture all four boys together, as well as to show more of what they are wearing, than if it was just a Mid-Shot. In addition it allows part of the background to be included, helping the audience to understand more accurately where they are. Furthermore in the same clip there is a Medium Long Shot of just will and Simon. Firstly this is done to just focus on these two actors. However more importantly the shot it taken from over Neil's shoulder, this helps the audience to really see the lack of space within the appartment, because of how it's shot. Again this is another Long Shot from the Inbetweeners Movie. Which features Neil, Simon and Will prodominently. With Jay sat on a bar stall in the background. You can see the boys from Head to toe, which is used to show the audience their full outfits. It also means the bar scene can be seen in depth, so viewers can fully take in the scene to understand the situation the characters are in. This next scene is from the James Bond film, Casino Royale. It contains a variety of both Long shots and Medium Long Shots. Firstly the long shots are used to show the full scale of the fight/chase which is taking place. Showing the great height they are at to the audience, as well as showing all of their bodies fighting. Whilst the Medium Long Shots, enable the focus to be more upon the actors and the action, but still enables the scenery to be incorparated within the shot. Providing the audience with the best of both scenarios. This shot is an Extra Long Shot (ELS). The shot is of a rocky and isolated area. This type of shot is used as at this point the real focus is not on the action, but upon where it is taking place. The shot enables the full scenery to be incorparated, to help the audience establish the films location. This is the first scene from Harry Potter where the main hall at Hogwarts is shot. The 41 seconds of footage I have selected focus on no character inparticular. The effect of this is to introduce the viewer to a whole new scenery. Whilst introducing the audicence to a whole new world that they will not of ever seen before. It also gives a good gage of the scenes size and structure which is entirely new to the audience.

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